
New Year's Resolution

I was getting my hair done yesterday (which, I have to get redone because my favorite stylist left. The new stylist did a great job, but I wanted to keep up the red, and now I have purplish and slightly red hair. Which    looks great, but I want to be a red head for a while, so maybe in a year I'll try the purple/deep chocolate brown hair.

The point of that story is what led me to my New Years Resolution!!!

Only carry cash and my debit card in my wallet, no credit cards under ANY circumstance. Need to wade out of the massive pool of debt I've created.

2nd resolution I just came up with; listen to music more. Since I've been working so much, I realized I miss  discovering new bands and enjoying my favorite artists, it was my escape, it got my creative juices flowing more AND it motivates me while working out (which hasn't happened much in the past 6 months).
Amen shirt, amen. I want this shirt, PS.

And that's it!

Good riddance 2010, we welcome you with open arms 2011!!!

Happy New Year to ALL of my many followers ;) !!!

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