
I Always Was The One With All The Love

I've been listening to this song on repeat for the past few months and I relate to so much in the lyrics, especially "sometimes I wish for a mistake" and "I'm so ashamed, I've been so mean, I don't know how I got to this point." I'm going through a quarter life crisis of sorts, I guess. I'm going to be making some important decisions over the next few months, decisions that will affect friendships, work, family, my health, my sanity, most likely my hair colour, school (gulp) and travelling. If I have to do it alone....I guess I'll just have to do it alone. But I'd really like my Silly companion to be with me....who else would sing-scream Sadassa down the cobble streets of Ireland with me?

PS sorry for the live version, getting the actual video (which is GORGEOUS and GLITTERY and PINK HAIR and WEDDING DRESSES) was difficult. So go watch it on youtube. Pretty please.



I turned 28 years old on Friday.

I wish one person would have picked up an actual telephone to wish me a happy birthday. Not ONE single person (besides my grandpa, who I missed because I was out) called me. FB shout outs are cool, bbm messages are nice, text messages are ok but a quick phone call.......

I don't think I'm asking for a lot. I just wanted to hear the voices of the people I love the most.

I can't forget all the amazing people who work with and around me who wished me a happy birthday; Ashti, my sweetheart, who gave me a Timmy's gift card and everyone who came out to celebrate on Saturday!!! 

Me and my girl May
Lovely Chrystal and I

Me and my Israeli gang!