
dog days are ALMOST over....

Silly and her fashion icon
I miss Marc and our raunchy sex talk that makes Sil blush

I'm missing some far away friends, so if I can swing a quick trip out to Vancouver in the next few weeks I am going to do that. I doubt I can get more than two or three days off in a row right now, but that's all I need to get a quick fix from some great friends.

I miss Sarah and our rain dances, our tests to see if we can get smiles outta peeps in Van. and our random dance parties.

I miss Alexis and our bananas and our laughs about stupid boys, travel, life and everything in between. 

I miss Lillee too....especially now that she loves me!
Lillee approves of this idea

now should i greyhound it, or fly?


  1. maybe...greyhound would give me a chance to read, write, blog, sleep lol. But If I want to do it meow it'd have to get two days off in a row HAHAHA but my girls at the cart, plus all the other girls would help me cover it. Fingers crossed. ThenI can give you your present in person!!
