
Jeggings-My New Obsession

I love my jeggings. When leggings first came on the scene I was all "pfft those are ridiculous". Fast forward and I love leggings, especially on days off with a cozy hoodie and FUggs (fake Uggs- I cannot afford or fathom spending $300-400 on these comfy feet protectors when I can spend $30 on a super cute pair from Wal Mart, Zellers or Payless).

When JEGGINGS first came around I thought the same, and I thought they were even more ridiculous because I thought "if you want to wear jeans, just wear jeans" and "if you REALLY need to wear leggings, then just wear black leggings".

Boy was I wrong.

I love you Jeggings, I don't care what other people say about our relationship, but you are going to be in my life for a long time. You lunge with me, you stretch with me, you tuck into my boots with me, you dress up with me.

In a nutshell

Jeggings+my legs+=fashionably comfortable

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